Correct Chi Imbalances that Cause Negative Emotions with EFT

This Exercise Uses the Following Wisdom Skills

Intro written: Emotional Balance
Stub only: Managing and Using Chi Energy
Intro written: Nonattachment
Stub only: Reclaiming Your Memories
Intro written: Reframing; Choose Empowering Beliefs
Stub only: Activity for Co-Mentoring

Exercise Details

Duration = 15 minutes.
Difficulty = 65/100.

Use This Exercise:

  1. to eliminate the energy imbalances that cause all negative emotions and reactions--including phobias, stage fright, confusion, heightened-sensitivity, emotional reasons for addictions, cravings for addictive substances or food, and hurt feelings.
  2. To eliminate your subconscious resistance to taking on large goals and personal change, as well as eliminating negative emotions that interfere with daily life, goals, relationships, and happiness.
  3. For pain, allergies, tension, stress reactions, and other physical upsets. Work with an EFT practitioner for severe symptoms that you can\'t handle by yourself, such as eliminating PTSD after divorce, rape, war, murder, or suicide of a loved one.
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